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Get Involved with Ag Literacy Week


Teachers play a vital role in the success of Tennessee Ag Literacy Week. By opening the doors of your classroom, our volunteer readers will fill you students with accurate agriculture knowledge. They will have fun learning from an agriculturist and take part in exciting agriculture activities. For a volunteer reader to visit your classroom, contact the program coordinator.

Agriculture Supporters

With over a million students across the state, we need lots of Volunteer Readers to reach as many students as possible to teach them about agriculture.

In celebration of agriculture in Tennessee, volunteers throughout the state will read agricultural books to elementary classes across the state.  ALL members of Tennessee’s agriculture industry are encouraged to join with us as Volunteer Readers to assist us in increasing student knowledge about the importance of agriculture in their daily lives.


Virtual Participation

Volunteers can participate in Tennessee Ag Literacy week through our virtual options.

  1. Promote the virtual resources to teachers in you area. The virtual resources allow teachers to implement Tennessee Ag Literacy Resources in their remote classrooms. Resources include farm videos, book readings, lessons, and more!

  2. Set up a video conference for live reading. This can be done via FaceTime, Zoom, or other video conferencing platforms. Reach out to teachers in your area to see what will work best.

  3. Virtual Field Trips- show students what life is like on your farm through a virtual field trip. Using a video conference platform, show them what your farm looks like.


Who is a Volunteer Reader?  Someone who…

  1. is involved with, and passionate about agriculture and wants to educate students in their local schools about the importance of agriculture;

  2. is able to identify a local elementary classroom to visit during Ag Literacy Week;

  3. is willing to give 30 minutes of their time to a classroom at a local school to read an agriculture book and complete a simple activity with the students to enhance their learning, and share their own personal agricultural experience. Visit the resource page for a list of books and activities.


Student & Youth Organizations

Youth agriculture organizations such as 4-H & FFA can participate as Volunteer Readers during Tennessee Ag Literacy week. 4-H Agents and Agriculture Teachers may serve as the group coordinator to reach out to schools and plan classroom visits. Tennessee Ag Literacy week serves as a great activity for community outreach.


How to Participate

More information and resources can be found on the resource page under reader resources.

  1.  Contact your local school to share about the Ag Literacy Week program and invite a classroom to participate with you.

  2. Collect the following information about the class(es) you will be visiting: county, school district, school name, teacher, teacher email, grade, and number of students.

Contact Us

Farm Animal Care Coalition

Kevin Ferguson

Murfreesboro, TN


Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation

Samantha Beard

Columbia, TN


Tn Ag Website contact us.png


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