As the American population becomes increasingly urban and fewer people are actually raised on farms and ranches, the need increases for information about how our food is raised and processed. One American farmer now raises enough food and fiber for 169 people.
Tennessee farmers and ranchers are committed to producing a safe and affordable food supply, while providing a humane environment for their livestock.
Agriculture plays an integral role in our daily lives. An increased knowledge of agriculture and nutrition allows individuals to make informed personal choices about diet and health
​Farm Bureau
​​Education and Resources

Tennessee Farm Bureau provides teachers with resources to help them educate their students about agriculture. Ag Literacy enrichment materials are provided through the Tennessee Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom. This program offers a variety of classroom supplemental curriculum materials for grades K-12. Also included is an application for our Outdoor Classroom Garden Grant. We have downloadable activities available that go along with our new Agricultural Literacy Library.
My American Farm
Education and Resources
​The American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture’s My American Farm project teaches agricultural literacy to consumers and the public through an interactive computer game. Players learn where food comes from and how those products get from the farm to their dinner plate. My American Farm is an online educational game that lets students learn about agriculture while having fun.

American Farm Bureau
Foundation for Agriculture
Education and Resources

To build awareness, understanding, and a positive public perception of agriculture through education. To learn more about what the Foundation is doing to tell the story of agriculture and correct misconceptions about agriculture.
Agriculture in the Classroom
Education and Resources​

Agriculture in the Classroom programs are implemented by state-operated programs. National Agriculture in the Classroom supports state programs by providing a network that seeks to improve agricultural literacy — awareness, knowledge, and appreciation — among PreK-12 teachers and their students.
Ag Program
With an expansive network reaching every corner of the country, 4-H is the nation’s largest youth development organization. More than 6 million 4-H youth in urban neighborhoods, suburban schoolyards and rural farming communities stand out among their peers: building revolutionary opportunities and implementing community-wide change at an early age.
Farm Animal Care Coalition
​of Tennessee
Advocacy Information​

​The Farm Animal Care Coalition of Tennessee (FACCT) is composed of leading Tennessee agricultural organizations, individual farmers, and others — all working together to assure the sustainability of the Volunteer State's diverse animal agriculture community.
Tennessee Soybean Association
Crop Education

The Tennessee Soybean Association (TSA) is a membership organization concerned with state, national, and international policies that affect soybean producer profits in Tennessee. TSA is affiliated with the American Soybean Association (ASA) in St. Louis, Missouri.
Tennessee Cattlemen's Association
Beef Cattle Information
The TCA provide the cattle feeders and producers in the State of Tennessee with an organization through which they may function collectively to protect their interests and work toward the solution of cattle industry problems; and to build the necessary good-will that will bring both governmental and public esteem and recognition to the industry.​
Tennessee Poultry Association
Poultry Information

The Tennessee Poultry Association works in partnership with growers, producers, companies, educators, researchers, The University of Tennessee, The Tennessee Department of Agriculture and agri-business to promote the commercial poultry industry in the state.
National Pork Board
Pork Information

The National Pork Board works towards uniting Pork Producers to build a bright future for the Pork Industry
Pork producers and importers pay 0.40 of one percent of the market value of each animal, which is 40 cents per $100 in value. It generates about $50 million per year.
Tennessee Dept. of Agriculture
State Agriculture Information

The Tennessee Department of Agriculture promotes local produce and products and ensures safe and dependable food and fiber for all while conserving our natural resources. The Department touches the lives of Tennesseans every day through the food we eat, the fuel we pump, the clothes we wear, the wood products we use and the land we enjoy.

The Dairy Alliance
The Dairy Alliance is a nonprofit funded by dairy farm families of the Southeast, working with dairy farmers, retailers, schools, sports teams, health professionals, local organizations, state leaders, the media and the public to promote dairy foods and knowledge about the dairy industry.
The Dairy Alliance works with consumers of to provide nutritional information, dairy industry news, research and recipes for a healthy lifestyle that includes three servings of milk, cheese or yogurt each day.